Reward young people’s sporting achievements with engraved glass trophies

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Engraved glass trophies reward sporting achievements and encourage the next generation of sports stars.

Encouraging the young

World sporting events focus the world on great sporting achievements. Top athletes and sportspeople act as role models who encourage young people to perform better in their chosen sport. Watching sports events and following particular sports stars helps motivate young people, but they also need further encouragement from parents, their school and peer group.

A good way to encourage top performances is through giving awards. For young children, stickers and certificates may be sufficient, but as sporting skills develop in older children, they need rewards that keep pace with their developing skills. Engraved glass trophies are ideal. They are seen as valuable rewards and are proudly displayed in the family home as recognition of great sporting achievements.

As children reach adolescence, there is plenty that can distract them away from the hard work of sports training. They need something to keep them motivated so that they can turn into the sports stars and record breakers of the future. Engraved glass trophies by themselves may not achieve this, but in an environment where sports coaches, parents and teachers are praising young people, beautifully engraved trophies are an additional incentive to do well.

Team and individual sports

Engraved glass trophies are suitable for both individual and team sports achievements. When a glass trophy is given to a team, it is also a good idea to present a trophy to each individual member of the team. A team consists of many individuals, so each team member needs to feel proud of their part in the team’s success, and a glass trophy recognises this.

Why engraved glass?

Engraved glass trophies are an alternative to traditional silverware or medals, with glass being a diverse and eye-catching material. Simple plain glass shapes of circles or rectangles look stylish. Trophies can be made in sports-related shapes, such as a football shirt.

Plain glass engraved trophies do not cost a lot, but if you want a touch of extra luxury, for a little more you can purchase premium crystal glass trophies.

Any words can be engraved on the trophy, but they usually include the name and date of the sporting event. To personalise the trophy, it can be engraved with the winner’s or team’s name. Images can be added, so a sports club or team can engrave its own badge on the trophy

The stars of the future

Training the next generation of sports stars and athletes is much more than giving them awards, but an award proudly displayed in a young person’s home is a reminder of what they can achieve. It can act as an incentive to seek the coaching that is required that means, one day they can stand on the winner’s podium at a world sporting event. It’s therefore likely that the sporting stars of the future are the people who are now receiving engraved glass trophies at their school or local sports club.

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