Using engraved glass trophies to mark outstanding achievements

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Proactive businesses always look for ways to recognise achievements by employees. Engraved glass trophies are an effective way of recognising employees who have “gone that extra mile”, to use a common phrase

Staff morale

Staff morale is important to the success of a business. If morale is low, this results in poor motivation and poor productivity. If employees are not inspired to improve their skills, timekeeping or sales, the profits of the business suffer. Therefore, it is important for a business to reward employees for good work.

There are several ways to reward employees, be it through money in the form of bonuses, tangible awards or trophies.

The problem with ‘end of the year’ bonuses

The traditional way or rewarding employees is by offering a money bonus at the end of the year, but money is not always the best way to motivate employees. If employees receive a regular annual bonus, then they often see it as just part of their salary and nothing special. Employees at the beginning of the year may not have the incentive to work hard for a reward, as the end of the year seems so far away.

A financial bonus is not seen as personal, it just arrives and appears on the payslip. Additionally, employees can sometimes feel vexed at how much of it is swallowed up by tax, National Insurance and student loan contributions.

Tangible awards

Tangible awards are often more effective than money. These can take the form of items such as sports equipment, jewellery or other physical gifts. The drawbaack with this is that the reward could be something that the employer already has. If they already have a quality item of sports equipment, another similar one may not be valued.


Money and tangible awards can be useful for motivating employees, but the giving of a trophy can often be more successful.

A business can announce that it will award an engraved glass trophy to the first employee to hit a particular target. The target could be for increased sales, better production, or the employee who has changed a company procedure that saves both time and money.

The glass trophy engraved with the type of award, but minus the winner’s name, can be prominently displayed at the workplace. Every time an employee looks at the trophy, they need to believe that their name could be engraved on it.

Most humans love competitions ,which is why sports are so popular. Turning a company goal into a competition with an engraved glass trophy for the winner will appeal to most employees. As well as individual competitions, some companies have teams that compete for a team trophy.

Not just business-related

While engraved glass trophies can be for business goals, employee morale can also be lifted through non-work-related competitions. For example, the company could run a darts league for teams of employees who work together. A competition held outside of working hours can be a social event that helps build team morale, and the engraved glass trophy will be proudly displayed by the winners.

Engraved glass trophies are a cost effective way of rewarding and recognising outstanding employee achievements.

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