Fun facts about the Taurus World Stunt Awards’ trophy

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To make an action film truly believable, stuntmen and women take on incredible feats to bring a story to life. The Taurus World Stunt Awards recognise and reward the extra mile that some stuntpeople go for the sake of movie-making art. With the closing date for the 2021 award nominations – February 28th – drawing near, let’s take closer a look at this extraordinary award.

The statuette is made from 30 individual bronze pieces, which are put together to represent a bull with its strong and unstoppable characteristics. It is a metaphor for strength, determination and versatility, and it is also the favourite shape assumed by the Greek god Zeus. Legend has it that Zeus was so enamoured by the bull that he flung the animal into the sky, where it was immortalised in the stars forever.

Sculpted by Jos Pirkner, the statuette weighs around 12 kilograms and stands 80 centimetres high, so it is quite a hefty award. However, despite the statuette’s mighty size, Pirkner has often been praised for creating a statuette that emits power and energy while also exhibiting sensitivity and sentimentality.

The Taurus is considered one of the highest honours of the stunt world, and many professionals in the industry risk their lives to perform daring stunts, bringing danger and excitement to the world of action films. The winners of these prestigious engraved awards are chosen by their peers, who are also members of the Taurus World Stunt Academy.

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