The diverse uses of engraved glass trophies

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Trophies are given as an award to recognise achievements, but engraved glass trophies really demonstrate that a person’s achievement is appreciated. They can be given at work to recognise workers’ performance, they can be presented to loved ones to make them feel special, or awarded for sporting achievements. There are many creative ways that engraved glass trophies can be used.

Using engraved glass trophies at work

An engraved glass trophy says to the recipient that their efforts are recognised and that they are worthy to receive the trophy. If the trophy is given for a sporting occasion, then it is obvious why the person is being recognised. In business some qualities are not as easy to spot as a sporting achievement. While salespeople’s performance can be measured by their total monthly sales, employees who go out of their way to help a customer can go unnoticed. Their contribution to the company is to make the customer feel good. This can increase customer loyalty, which leads to increased sales.

To judge someone’s worth is not always easy. Some companies encourage workers to be aware of what their fellow workers are doing and praise them for it. Many businesses run employee of the month schemes that recognise several qualities including sales, customer service, working well within a team, punctuality, productivity and motivation.

Though money can act as an employee incentive, an engraved glass trophy inscribed with the employee’s name and proudly displayed on their work station is a good way to make them proud of what they have achieved.

Trophies for loved ones

It is common for people to receive trophies for sporting wins, at work, during industry awards and showbusiness events, but engraved glass trophies can also be given to loved ones, your family, and friends. Sometimes you just want to thank a loved one for being there.

A glass trophy can be engraved with any message which means that you can make up your own award category such as ‘Best Mum/Dad in the World’, ‘Best Girlfriend/Boyfriend Award’, ‘The World’s Best Hugger’ or ‘The World’s Smartest Boyfriend/Girlfriend’.

There can be awards for your children’s academic achievements, or to family members who do voluntary work in the community. A trophy can make a promise such as vowing “to make you the happiest person in my life.” It can even say you are sorry for something.

An engraved glass trophy award can come across cheesy and sentimental, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, especially if it makes someone smile or feel good about themselves.

Friends and neighbours can benefit from awards. Give an engraved glass trophy to a neighbour who helps you out when you are ill.

An award doesn’t have to be for a huge achievement. A friend who simply feeds your cats while you are away is worthy of a thankyou gift.

Engraved glass trophies are ideal personalised gifts to recognise achievements, or simply to show somebody your appreciation for being there for you.

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